About Us

Sussex Christian School (SCS) was founded in 1982 and has been dedicated to providing an excellent, caring and student-centred education ever since. We offer a quality education for children in Kindergarten to Grade 12, as well as daycare, preschool, and after school programming through our Little Lights and Shine Centres. SCS students are nurtured in a way that helps create a confidence that prepares them to take their own special place in the world.


Thank you for your interest in Sussex Christian School! You will find SCS to be a place where Christian faith meets excellence in academics. I am excited about offering a program to the community and around the world that educates the “whole person”. Our teachers are innovative and excited about preparing our students for future success. Our school promises to be an extension of your family, academically and spiritually. We believe God entrusts children to families and it is our job to come alongside, not only to teach all academic subjects with excellence, but also to mold outstanding character.

I can’t think of a better school for students to attend in Canada. At SCS, we promote and deliver critical thinking skills, excellence in academics, travel programs for students 5-12, drama, athletics, biblical integration, chapel, and a deep care and concern for your child(ren). Students are courted to gain an understanding of the purpose that God has created them for and then we work to get them prepared for that journey.

SCS graduates go on to any post-secondary school and professions that they desire. Alumni have been invited and received scholarships from the University of New Brunswick, Crandall University, Kingswood University, Dalhousie University, Liberty University, New Brunswick Community College, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Holland College, Houghton College, University of Toronto, St. Thomas University, University of Waterloo, and many more. Within these schools our students have studied law, early childhood education, computer science, journalism, education, biology, kinesiology, electrical, engineering, theatre, art, music, counselling, psychology, business, policing, paramedic training, nursing, theology, English, and agriculture. Sussex Christian School students are nurtured in such a way that they breed confidence and are being prepared to take their own special place in the world. Please let me know if we can assist you in any way.


Dr. Boyd-Mitchell, Principal



Classes begin: 
at 8:15AM

Classes end at:
K-Grade 2: 2:00PM
Grade 3-5: 2:55PM
Grade 6-8: 3:05PM
Grade9-12: 3:15PM

School Office Hours:
8:00AM- 4:00PM


Parents are responsible for the transportation of their child(ren) to and from school. Transportation for school events will be arranged by the school. Local activities may involve parental transportation assistance.


Supervision of students ends 15 minutes after respective dismissal times. Unless participating in a supervised after-school activity, parents are required to arrange for their pick-up prior to this time.


Each teacher will provide their students with a list of supplies that will be required. Parents are responsible to see that students have these items in a timely fashion.

• School Supply List K-Grade 8 and WINGS 
• School Supply List Grades 9-12

School Apparel

Please review the school dress policy to ensure that your child(ren) has (have) the items that will be required for the school year. SCS logoed items can be obtained online through "entripy".



Hot Lunch is offered on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Families may purchase hot lunch tickets from the school office and students sign up in their homeroom on the morning of hot lunch.

For more info about the hot lunch program see the Hot Lunch section below.


Hot lunch is served on Tuesdays and Fridays. Families may purchase hot lunch tickets from the school office and students sign up in their homeroom on the morning of hot lunch.

Families may also sign up to receive milk each day at lunch time (250 ml chocolate or white milk). Families who sign up will receive milk each day school is in session for the entire year and will be invoiced for the number of school days at the end of each month.

Hot Lunch Menu
Tuesday: Tacos
Friday: Greco Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)

Hot Lunch Tickets
Small: $4.00 (1 item)
Medium: $6.00 (2 items)
Large: $8.00 (3 items)


Students or alumni looking for transcripts may request them by clicking the button below. Please note the following:

  • “Official” Transcripts - will only be issued to institution(s) or organization(s) as requested.
  • Students requesting transcripts - for personal use will be issued an “Unofficial” copy.
  • 'Two Weeks’ notice (ten business days) - is required for all transcript requests.